Monday, April 6, 2015

The Best in Glass For Your Bones Not To Brittle and Break

The Best in Glass For Your Bones Not To Brittle and Break

To sip and what to sip- that is the question.

Today , shortly after this past holiday, I want to bring to your attention to the importance not only of drinking red wine but also the save portion amount and best red wines for you to drink.
Why? Because, after all you are not going to stop cold turkey. So might as well give you the best choices for to sip on.

Now, please keep in mind 3 things:
1.       Red wine still causes your body to absorb calcium at a much slower rate. And when combine with slower metabolism (typically women over 40), this leads to lower bone density. Therefore, higher chance for brittle bones (fractures).
2.      Many studies continue to support the lasting benefits of not drinking in order to attain effective and lasting fat loss after the age of 40.
3.      Resveratrol is an antioxidant found in the grape itself. So eagle eye with the wine making process of your favorite vineyard.
4.      I am a rum aficionado. So this information I am sharing with you is not medical advise nor benefits my bottom line.

Now, with those 3 things covered…find a glass of wine and watch.

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