Tuesday, June 30, 2015

5 Practical Tips To Prevent Skin Cancer This Summer

With the summer weather off to a great start check these great and practical tips on how to prevent skin cancer this summer.

For easy way to get a great workout without feeling like you are about to passed out, check our 30 minutes workout schedule HERE!!

Thursday, June 18, 2015



First, let me point out that the purpose of this roadmap is to give you the must have tool to get rid of the extra weight--NOT LOSE IT, because I don’t want you to find it, I want you to get rid of it for good.
Now that we are clear, let’s set a few traits that most 50 years old are dealing with. This will help you figure out if this roadmap is for you or not. It will also, set the reality of the matter at hand and the long term effectiveness of this wellness roadmap technique. And what I mean by wellness is bringing the world of nutrition and exercise together.

“Exercise is King and Nutrition is Queen; Together, You have a Kingdom”-Jack Lalanne.
We were all raised with the belief that 45 or more minutes of aerobic (aka cardio) was the way to lose fat and get in shape. Then in the mid 80’s early 90’s studies began to shed a light on the fact that nutrition was paramount for true fat loss to occur. Then in the mid-90’s we learned that fat cells are moved and burn more effectively when done at a moderate to high level of intensity.
Fast forward to the late 90’s and Y2K and we get flooded with the concept of antioxidants, organic food, gluten free choices, and so much more.
With all these trends taking over our desire to get in shape, improve longevity, and quality of life, it is no surprise that we are still overweight and taking pills to fight preventable conditions.
The following are the pillars for you to start an exercise regimen today:
An exercise session 20 minutes x 5 days a week
Pulse rate should be 20-30 beats higher than the pulse rate you started at in the  morning of that particular session. For example, if your resting/upon awakening pulse rate is 78, then your workout pulse should be within 98-108 beats/minute.
Complete one designated day for each of the following: strength, balance, flexibility, speed, aerobic, anaerobic
You must change your workout routine every 6 weeks.
Every session must challenge you mentally and physically. This is key in order to make long term progress.
Note: If you are just going thru it without a good effort, then you must really seek out help of a professional trainer. This is where the majority of the 50 years olds I know tripped over and fell behind. They think, they cannot afford a professional but yet can pay for 2 or 3 medications for hormones or blood related issues. Then there is also those who feel they have their programs under control but have yet to see actual changes in their physical body and emotional status.

On Nutrition- “Eat For The body You Want Not the One You Have..”
Simply put, if you are not taking measurable steps to change your eating behavior and choices, then none of the above exercise pillars matter.
Your body responds to the nutrients that you provide. And because I want to keep things simple here for you, here are your nutritional pillars:
Portion Control- Use your hand as a measuring tool (see picture below)
Supplement what you are not providing via raw food- No matter how healthy and clean you eat, your body lacks certain needed minerals and vitamins. And those are the supplements you need to feed your body. Ask your doctor for a blood work panel.
  • Carbs- Eat only as a fuel. That means, if you are going to have a long busy trip to the beach or round of golf, then carbs are in.
  • Protein- I call this the healing food. Given that protein supports most of the membranes and soft tissues in your body, I consider protein a key component as we age and our bodies need “rejuvenation”.
  • Fat- Oh the good ‘ol fat. I call this “The Needed Evil of nutrition”. You see, you need fat to metabolize other nutrients but not that much. So keep it minimal and as needed.
  • Water- By now you know the importance of water so I will not go into details. But one thing about water-- nothing does the body as good as fresh clean water. So suck it up and sip up or else you will end up sucking in your gut.

Wheel of Sanity.

At the age of 50 is when things become more apparent about what life has dealt us. But it’s also when things get real and those who stay clear minded can live long and healthy to enjoy the grandkids and comfortable retirement lifestyle.
Years ago at one of our fitness adventure retreats after coaching a group of clients I decided to combine what I consider the top 8 things that can drive you or anyone over 50 insane. Now, as I mention them, I ask you to think actively on how you would categorize or scale each of them at this point in time. On that note, this is the way  I coach our clients to keep a level of sanity despite the craziness in their own lives and the world as they see it. The key is to feel happy and comfortable with how your wheel of sanity turns each day, each week, each month and year after year.
Here are your spokes to the wheel of sanity:
  1. Legacy
  2. Finances
  3. Professional Career
  4. Family/Friends
  5. Spiritual
  6. Adventure
  7. Physical Being
  8. Circle of Influence
Take a minute and  use a scale 1-10 (10 being perfect, nothing to change) to rate each of the listed categories above.
Then periodically review, plan and work on improving each of them (or the most important to you at the moment in time).
I use this exercise with all of our clients seeking to lose weight because it involves a lot of hormonal assessment and self-implementation. It also assists in the resolution of many joint or muscle pain they are dealing with. Now that I mentioned the word hormone, you and I know that we are more specifically talking about you and your quest to get in shape at your age.
Hormones are the puppet masters to assess and modify in order for any of the components we have discussed thus far- exercise, nutrition, and wheel of sanity- make a huge significant change to your body, mind and soul. For more specifics on hormones and weight loss please watch information on hormones and fat loss (visit here).

If you have found any of the above information helpful at any level, then you are prime candidate not only to lose weight but also enjoy even more your active adult life way into the 80’sand 90’s-if you so work consistently at it. Please accept my invitation to a wellness strategic session where I will personally help you design a fitness plan and well-structured nutritional program that fits your lifestyle for the long haul. As you can imagine, the nature of this sessions are well-thought out and plan so I can only work with 15 people. Complete the online information card here and I’ll call you to schedule a time that works best for you. And with summer getting in full swing I would like to set your session by the 4th of July.

Do not live another day feeling out of shape knowing that you have access to this invitation. And just like your body regenerates cells every second, I want you visualize how energize and healthy those cells would be once all the pieces to your wellness puzzle are set in the right place. So stop wishing on it and get acting on it.

In Healthy Spirits,
J.Carlos Valdes, LPTA/CPT
Lead Trainer at TTN Fitness
2004 Personal Trainer of the Year.
ph 503-504-1886

Sunday, June 7, 2015

7 Questions You Should Ask Any SW Portland, OR Personal Trainer Before Becoming a Client

7 Questions You Should Ask Any SW Portland, OR Personal Trainer Before Becoming a Client

What Clients are they typically successful with?

If you have a hair salon you frequent, then you know they have shampoo girls, highlights/color treatment specialist, and hairdressers among other things. Well, the fitness industry is pretty much the same. Each of us that are certified personal trainers go thru the same health and fitness education and certification process. However, once certified a skillful certified trainer tend to spend a solid amount of time and education budget crafting one specialty.
I am sure, if you go to your hair salon you do not want the hair treatment specialist who has not cut in strand of hair in 3 months cutting your hair.
For us at JCarlos Fitlab, we know we excellent at working with those overcoming an injury or wanting to resolve a specific pain that is limiting them from getting back to working out and getting results. Yes, we can and know how to get people in bikini shape, or ready for a half marathon. But we are masters at making sure you resolve any pain/limitations that are holding you back from doing those things that gives your life.

When is The Best Time For Me To Workout With A Trainer
In Order To See and Maximize My Results?

Many times in the excitement of getting a workout program going and getting ready for an important event or occasion you may lose sight of what it entails to add a structured workout to your schedule. And the worst part is if your trainer only have 6a and 5:30pm timeslots to work with you. Trainers may tell you that you lose more fat in the morning or you can get an after burn by working with them after work. But the truth is the best time to workout with a skillful trainer is when he or she can blend in with your busy schedule. Why are we going to add another stress spoke to your schedule? At JCarlos Fitlab, we strongly believe on making things happen. And one of the ways we help you overcome the stress of missing your workout appointments is by making it online accessible 3 months in advance. Listen, we have 3 kids and run a business while keeping an eye on grandma and pops 1000’s of miles away. So we know busy. By giving you access 3 months in advance to all the availability you can create your success and begin to see the light week in =, week out as you make your appointments and show progress, After all, you gotta show up in order for us to be able to help you get results.
Don’t become the 6am or 5:30pm client to a trainer. Be the success in progress day in, day out.

Ask For- What Training Style They Will Be Implementing?

This is a very important question that most average exercisers forget about and eventually leads to “Absent Mojo” or worst non-compliance. I explain this for you by using Cathy one of our clients as an example.
Cathy is 46 years old banker who despite repetitive shoulder injuries wanted to lose 18 pounds. So Cathy decided to join a hot yoga studio because jogging caused her shoulder to be more painful. Upon signing Cathy was told that doing the hot yoga will melt the fat she wanted to lose and that attending the yoga classes 3-4x/week will resolve her shoulder pain. After 3 weeks of classes Cathy realized that she was not losing weight, her shoulder pain continued and her hormones did not care at all for the hot yoga ambience. Slowly Cathy faded away from attending her yoga classes and with that her shoulder pain worsens as so did her weight.
Today, Cathy has lost over 12 pounds doing something that she enjoys after a long day of work---boxing and muscle strengthening. However, to get Cathy to this point, we laid out our “Getting on The Same Page” plan. Here we simply discuss what and what not you are willing to do during and away from our studio. We also explained that first and foremost we will clear any medical issues with her shoulder. This lead to Cathy doing a lot of shoulder stability exercises before strengthening. Along the process Cathy had pointed out her not liking to use barbells. And so for the first 4 months, no barbells (or animals J were harm).
So be sure before you start your first workout session, your trainer has a plan that you agree on and an effective way to see you successful at it on the consistent basis.

Does Your Trainer Follow an up to date Science-based approach or Does he/she delivers the latest Shape Magazine Workout?

3 out of 5 trainers rely on the latest media hype to keep their clients happy. This leads not only to inconsistent workout but also to no results. I admit is tough to keep our clients clear from the latest Dr. Oz diet or Madonna’s workout regimen. However, when we sit with our clients to draft and agree on the “Getting On The Same Page,” we commit to utilizing science-based approach to deliver the results you sought out to get from us. And yes, our exercises may have that primal –unorthodox appeal, but is what we design specifically for you—after all it is personal training…

How often would you re-assess and review your program?

This is a critical question that I want you to make sure to get an answer. Good trainers will complete a very comprehensive assessment during the consultation. Great trainers, will re-assess and review your program periodically. But at J.Carlos Fitlab (the best trainers), not only re-assess, review but they will “cross-examine your why…” You see, for us is second nature to fix a joint, a muscle or an “imbalance.” But the most important thing that will drive you towards the best version of yourself is to know your why.
For example, I recently met with a retired teacher that had ongoing shins splints and was wanting to resume running with her friend. As you probably guessed we resolve d her shins splint in a matter of 2 weeks. But we peel the onion to find out why was this important to her. And come to find out, this running buddy was her confident of years and this was the only time they could speak freely with each other about their troubles at home.
Can you guess how many times did she skipped an appointment or a home workout? Her why was bigger than the what.
During our initial and follow up assessment (Profile Recap), we like to cross examine and update each of our clients why. This helps us to improve their mindset when needed and push the workout intensity when appropriate. Remember, we were all 12 years old at one time…

Has Western Medicine Left You Same Or Worst Than You Expected?

Let me begin by letting you know that if you had any experience with western medicine in the past 7 years, then you are likely to feel shorthanded on the way your health should be treated.
And by no means am I referring to politics or insurances. I mean from the personal care and service stand. If you read our story, you know that I practiced physical therapy for several years when I realized during one of my quarterly reviews, we were hurdling patients like cattle just to get a buck. That when my passion for helping others kicked in higher gear and we venture into what you know now as JCarlos Fitlab.
Our root of service is caring. Caring for the cause of your pain and/or problem. Once we work together to get a better picture, we tend to use “primal,” eastern and western approach to help you enjoy and live life in the presence. You might think that we are winging it when in reality we draft a blueprint (Getting on The Same Page), that guide you and us get you there. This blueprint is of course dynamic because of what we call Murphy. Murphy Law. And the beauty of it, Murphy at times gives us a faster and yet effective way to get you painfree to play and enjoy an active lifestyle.

 Created By J.Carlos Valdes, LPTA/CPT 

5 Ways J.Carlos Fitlab is Different and Better than Other Fitness Training Studios in SW Portland, OR

5 Ways J.Carlos Fitlab is Different and Better than Other Fitness Training Studios in SW Portland, OR

1)    If you need a place where boredom is not allowJ.Carlos Fitlab studio is for you.The workouts are not boring and they are never the same. Incorporating activities like doing circuits outside (when weather allows) and boxing into the regular routine keeps things fresh.
2)   Many fitness studio claim to have small group training. But when you walk in there are 6-10 people. At J.Carlos Fitlab studio small group training means 2-3 people. The small group atmosphere- gives you that individual attention without the focus being on you 100% of the time. And your group mates motivate you to do better.
3)   Are you looking for true personalized program? JCarlos and his team delivers time after time. They always knows your struggles. They know that compliance and finding time are huge struggles. But the TTN team is always coming with realistic proven way- such as fitness app, or suggestions for simple workouts to do along the way to help succeed.
4)   At J.Carlos Fitlab progress includes keeping you motivated in and away from the studio. They are motivating. J.Carlos is always making suggestions that nudge you in the right direction. After a workout, J.Carlos and his team might suggest: "Hey maybe try a run or hit golf balls, and see how that hip is feeling. Maybe just 5 miles or couple of buckets, nothing crazy." And that suggestion will stay with me and I'll find myself running the miles or at the driving range for awhile. When usually I'd feel like I was done after the one workout.
5)   J.Carlos Fitlab is a friendly atmosphere. Going there and working out with the group is always a happy place. There is always some silly story or joke being told. It actually would feel like a break from my workday rather than drudgery. Somehow JCarlos and his team attracts other friendly and happy people, or perhaps it's that he sets the tone. But it's always a good crowd.